welcome to these humble thoughts

haiii x3! my name is ollie and i like the internet! lets be frenz!!!

about me!!!!

my ~favourite~ food is dry pasta dipped in nutella becoz it is tasty!! ^-^

i luv my joyfriend very very much! they mean so much 2 me and aaaaaa x3 <3 i want to kiss them forever!!!!

if u r reading this lore gib me kith

i <3 computorz and stickerz and L3GoSSSS and stuffed an1mal5!

im autistic! plz be nice!

my favorite stickerz/deviantart stamps/GIFS!!!!!

and yesss, gif is pronounced g-ifff

spinny arcade machine its hell o clock stamp skeleton with a slinky! the parking lot is not a bathroom stamp i chew icecubes stamp i support vampire rights stamp loading

my stim stuff!

so becoz i am autistic i have a lot of stim stuff! here is what i have xd


a rubber squid

this was the first stimmy thing i got, and it was before my diagnosis. but its a rubber squid that glows in the dark. ye!


a squishy orbeez fruit

this was another i got before my diagnosis! i won this from a gacha machine that had money left in it xD!


white fidget cube

everybodys favourite, a fidget cube! i got this from an op shop for 10 frickin cents!!!

music humans you should listen to right now!